Discover Hidden Gems
Article by www.besafer.caFor those who have lived or live on the road, like long haul drivers, routine and road habits are just part of regular day at work. But maybe sometimes you can fall into a bit of a exploration and discovery mode and want to try out something new and interesting when you have a time to do that.
Life is a Journey of Discovery - Every Day is a New Opportunity!
Below we've collected a group of unique North American places like restaurants, parks, shops, historical and other interesting places, in no particular order, that you may never have encountered before, but must check out when you get the chance! The idea is to step outside of the daily routine and enjoy your life.
Discover Unique North American Places:
Long Sault Parkway, Ontario, Canada

Long Sault Parkway, is a road that runs from Long Sault to a point just east of Ingleside in Ontario, connecting the 11 islands that were created from high points of land left by St. Lawrence Seaway flooding in 1950's. The islands are now a major tourist attraction and source of revenue for the region, especially during the summer months when tourists visit the parkway for its two beautiful beaches (Mille Roches and Woodlands), three campgrounds (Mille Roches, Woodlands, McLaren), fishing, boating, cycling, and... READ MORE...